
Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Tutorial Akper Putra Pertiwi Gowa dengan 7 Jumps


tutorial is a method of transferring knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning process. More interactive and specific than a book or a lecture; a tutorial seeks to teach by example and supply the information to complete a certain task

Tutorial merupakan salah satu upaya Akper Putra Pertiwi Gowa mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menganalisis suatu masalah, kasus yang diberikan dalam pembelajaran adalah kasus terapan dari pembelajaran klinik yang diberikan di RS.

Tutorial di Akper Putra Pertiwi Gowa pertama kali dilaksanakan di tahun 2012, merupakan masa peralihan sistem pembelajaran dari metode Konvensional ke Metode yang berbasis Kompetensi atau lebih di kenal dengan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi

Dalam metode Tutorial ini metode yang sering dipakai dikenal dengan istilah 7 Jumps,

J1  :  Menjelaskan istilah dan konsep
J2  : Menetapkan masalah/problem dasar pada scenario dan membuat pertanyaan untuk membantu menentukan masalah yang ada
J3  :  Menganalisis masalah dengan menjawab pertanyaan
J4  :  Menarik kesimpulam dari J3
J5  :  Merumuskan sasaran pembelajaran
J6  :  Mengumpulkan informasi tambahan baik dari perpustakaan, internet, dsb
J7  :  Menyampaikan kesimpulan akhir

Guideline to the 7 step approach

Duration: step 1 – 5
Duration: step 6
Duration: step 7
-          about 1 - 2 hours on one problem task
-          about 2 - 8 hours
-          about 1 – 2 hours
Size of group members
8 – 12 persons
Guidance of discussion or secretary:  
changing each time (in a block of about 10 tasks everybody in the group has to take over these roles)
Tutors accompany
tutor takes part in each tutorial group meeting (is in charge of the learning process and objectives)

Clarify unknown terms
Check if any words or concepts of the problem task have to be explained. If you don’t understand them write it down for the learning objectives
Define the problem
Assign what really is the problem. Describe which phenomena have to be explained. Point out the most significant  ones.
Analyze the problem
Make a brainstorming about your prior knowledge and experience or expectations. Write all ideas on the board or flipchart. Think of as much different explanations as possible.
Criticize the explanations
Discuss all ideas mentioned in step 3. Summarize the similar ideas to formulated assumptions or hypotheses. 
Formulate learning issues as questions
Note all learning objectives (as questions) which have to be worked out in self study. Make sure everybody does understand what has to be done. Check the literature notes how they can be used (Don’t forget the concepts which have to be defined from step 1).
Fill the gaps through self-study
Collect information in books, papers, audio visual material and internet in self study. Summarize your findings.
Share your findings with the group and integrate the knowledge in your own theories
Present your findings in own words to the group and discuss it deeply with them. Give feedback to the others and accept feedback by the others.
Evaluate your learning outcomes by going back to the original problem task and check your new and better understanding of the problem.
Evaluate your learning process and the organization of the tutorial group meeting. Find out the best solutions for working together as a group.
Train skills and attitudes for behaving as a professional person
Work out the skills by reading, watching CD, listening to the trainer’s presentation, exercise the handling of the skills with two or three of your group and show your performance at a situation with simulating patients. Expect feedback from your group members. Reflect on your objectives and on your development of professional skills.

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